Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Awaiting What’s Ahead


Sitting alone in the dark 

I’m down and low in thoughts about myself 

Shall I move on, forward 

Every day a battle 

To prove myself to myself 

Success is beyond reach 

I sit in my chair to accomplish anything 

Wonder whether in person 

I’m able to fulfill my goal of

Producing what I dreamt 

Wonder whether I’ll make it through the day, night 

With love from those who support me 

My goals buoyant 

I’m a success every day 

Every weekend 


All yearlong 

Slow as the snail 

Persistence as the spider spins a web 

Determination of a yearling

Rising to her first stand

Uprighted with horse power,

Winning the heat

Surfacing sunshine, morning red sky 

Surviving each month and day

I shall breathe again and again 

My choice 

My trying pays off 

My heart fulfilled in muscle and love 

Love transpired 

Love of self 

Love of God

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Book Review: Homecoming by Kate Morrow

It’s not typical to find the reason for the title of a novel to be uncovered in the last sentence of the book. The beginning sequence alludes to what the reader has to expect, but it doesn’t feel right throughout the progression of present and past events. A family deceased found under the shade of a tree. Was it suicide and murder, or an unfortunate accident? But what happened to the baby? An empty wicker basket found hung from a limb. A massive community search came up empty. The customary ending usually ends with the baby being saved. But this novel doesn’t follow a normal pattern. Characters: can we trust them? Are they likable? manipulative? unsound? Where do they fit in the story? The narrator keeps the reader guessing. Jess, the protagonist, finds what she is looking for, her home,  which is not what she thought her grandmother was, but her previously estranged mother.  Morten’s characters are fully developed by the end of the novel. The reader knows who is who, but how the Turner family died is still a guess.  

Monday, November 13, 2023



The cabello faced bruja trailed mi Papá from Aqua Calientes, Aqua Calientes, Mexico. “I’m coming for you.” (Buahahaha!!!!!)

Sweet dreams

 Living a song of life, dancing in the night. 

Golden Ticket


I’ve got a golden ticket 

See what I can buy

I’ve got a golden ticket 

Marbles or malt balls, I will try

You’ve won the golden ticket 

Won’t you paste it on your wall

Some say you win the golden ticket 

to get the grandest prize of all

Don’t give up your golden ticket

Or put it in the trash

Where’s your golden ticket

Did you exchange it for cash 

I will share my golden ticket 

Buy rubber balls in a jar 

With my golden ticket

I’ll share tiny orb’s near and far

Lost In My Dream

Familiar place

So much has changed 

Too much has changed 

Nothing was as I remembered 

Spent half an hour exchanging emoji’s with my friend 

Well she sent them

I replied trying to be witty 

When does this end 

The leg in a cast again 

Emoji dungeon 

Clawing at the walls

I tried so hard to get home 

Had someone else’s phone 

Couldn’t figure it out 

Trying for good directions 

In real life lost in paradise 

I’m so helpless 

In my dream confused 

Can’t even follow my mother 


Wednesday, July 5, 2023



Released to the wind

Vibrant leaves scattered across the the descending lane 

Trees left bare

Along the path occasional branches withered

Dying from the lack of nourishing  nutrients 

Water spared in times of torrid weather 

What can be done 

For the return of full fiery autumn dressed in it’s finery

Of this feelings of helplessness Righting a wrong upon the now desert earth. 

Visions of burning bushes

Now dormant 

Yearning for the alive and kicking tip toe of leaves released 

Windy sounds of
