Saturday, January 28, 2017

Stormy Weather

Refreshing Raindrops
holding fast on my windowpane 
Teardrops of rejuvenation
Sparkling Sun
Pushing through the pain
Peace bursts from within
glistening crystals of love
Comfort my being
Inconvenient Irritations,
Contrasts of life,

Time of reflection
Soul re-examination 
Anger dissipated 
Once more on my feet
Holding fast opposing   
Stormy Weather

Friday, January 27, 2017

Tea Shop Serenade

Following the garden path
the perfume of the roses wafting 
towards my senses 
As the gentle music of
the song bird allows me to be present
To water trickling from the meandering
brook purging blood
from my lonely self

Encompassing sweet sensations
brings me an ease of a tumultuous 
past. All temptation subsides.

My footing grazes the cobble stones
reassuring me of moving forward 
past my ill heart
that only the blue jay understands

Lost in the mural overshadowing
raspberry orange tea, I come back to 
the present as my pot of tea once hot
now tepid. The jazz overhead 
clears my mind.