Thursday, April 4, 2019


Fatigue gets to me
Ennui holds me back
Unkind words hurt my soul
I shall rise
To be bolder 
Accepting my circumstances 
Choosing friends 
Full of heart
Writing poems 
soothes my soul 
As trusted confidants 
bring me to a better light 
The sun shall rise everyday 
I choose to rise like  

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Weeping for a breath of fresh air
Mystical rain on my cheeks
Bones tired wanting rest
Mind swallowed by elusive eyesight
Feet moving unbalanced
Sounds making blank static
My beating heart muffled

Out of touch
Wanting more
Getting less
Waiting patiently

Supposing my ills will transform with relief

Monday, April 1, 2019

The Nation’s Fool

Today is a national holiday
Our nation’s leader
Is not even a Shakespearean fool
Happy Day of Fools
Keep your wits about you.